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英 [ə'bɒlɪʃ] 美 [ə'bɑlɪʃ]
  • vt. 废除,废止;取消,革除


1. ab- "away" + ol- "grow, nourish" + -ish.
2. 字面含义:不让其继续生长、滋生,引申为:取消、废除。
3. 谐音“额剥离兮”,我将不好的东西剥离掉,也就是:取消、废除不好的东西。


abolish 废除

前缀ab-, 离开,非。词根ol,生长,滋养,同old, adult.


abolish (v.)
mid-15c., from Middle French aboliss-, present participle stem of abolir "to abolish" (15c.), from Latin abolere "destroy, cause to die out, retard the growth of," perhaps from ab- "from" (see ab-) + adolere "to grow," from PIE *ol-eye-, causative of root *al- (3) "to grow, nourish" (see old), and perhaps formed as an antonym to adolere. But the Latin word rather could be from a root in common with Greek ollymi, apollymi "destroy." Tucker writes that there has been a confusion of forms in Latin, based on similar roots, one meaning "to grow," the other "to destroy." Application to persons and concrete objects has long been obsolete. Related: Abolished; abolishing.