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英[bi:t] 美[bit]
  • vi.(心脏等)跳动;搜索;(风、雨等)吹打;(鼓)咚咚地响
  • vt.& vi.接连地击打
  • vt.打败;敲打;控制;避免
  • n.节拍;(鼓的)一击;管区
  • adj.[美国口语]大吃一惊的;[常作 B-]“反传统一代”成员的;摇滚音乐的;[口语](体力或情绪上)疲劳不堪的
  • 网络解释.拍子;拍;打;打败
    过去式:beat   过去式:beaten   过去式:beating   过去式:beats  
    派生词: beatable  
  • beat off 1 . 击退,逐走 beat out 2 . 【棒球】安全上垒:使(短打或地滚球)成为安打 beat about the bush 3 . 说话绕圈子,不直截了当地说 beat someone at their own gamebeat the bounds 4 . (史)划定教区范围(围绕教区四周行走并用杆插入地面以划定界限) beat someone's brains outbeat one's breastbeat the clock 5 . 赶时间(做某事) beat the drum forbeat the hell out of informal 非正式 6 . 痛打,狠揍(某人) beat the living daylights outbeat the pants off 7 . (非正式)远远胜过 beat a path to someone's door 8 . (大批的人)争先恐后地去接触,纷纷前去找(某人) beat a (hasty) retreat 9 . (对令人不快的事情)避之唯恐不及 beat the shit out of 10 . (粗俚)揍(他)个屁滚尿流 beat the system 11 . 钻(规章制度等的)空子 beat time 12 . 打拍子 beat someone to it 13 . 抢先某人一步 if you can't beat them, join them 14 . (幽默)如果无法胜过对手,就与对手合作 miss a beatto beat all ——s 15 . 远远胜过所有的…,最好的 beat someone back 16 . 迫使…退回,击退,逐回 beat down 17 . (太阳)辐射强热和强光 beat something down 18 . 挫败,镇压 beat someone down 19 . 迫使(某人)降价,对(某人)砍价 beat someone/thing off 20 . 击退,逐走 beat something out1. he beat out a rhythm on the drums.他在鼓上敲出一种曲调。2. 扑灭(火苗)beat someone up 21 . 痛打,狠揍,重伤(某人) beat up on someone 22 . (北美)。 同 beat someone up 习惯用语 beat a retreat 1 . 匆忙撤军 beat around the bush 或 beat about the bush 2 . 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击:不能直接切入主题 beat it【俚语】 3 . 匆忙离开 beat the bushes 4 . 进行彻底搜查 beat the drum 或 beat the drums 5 . 大肆鼓吹:在公开场合极力支持或鼓动 to beat the band 6 . 鼓动:起劲地;以快而猛烈方式

  • vt.1.打,击,敲;拍打释义下的同义词
  • hit clout bat blow crack strike pound knock
2.打败,击败,胜过释义下的同义词 outdo triumph win surpass defeat trounce
3.搅拌释义下的同义词 stir mix


1 . The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.


2 . Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy.


3 . In yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two-one.


4 . He beat up on my brother's kid one time.
