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英[kɔ:l] 美[kɔl]
  • v.呼唤,喊叫;召唤,叫来,召集;下令,命令;打电话给
  • n.喊叫,大声喊;电话联络;必要,理由;要求
  • 网络解释.呼叫;打电话;打电话给;调用
    过去式:called   过去式:called   过去式:calling   过去式:calls  
  • call back 1 . 召回:通知需要(某人)从现状或位置返回到先前的状况或位置 call down 2 . 挑剔:找麻烦;斥责 call for 3 . 去拿:出现在他人房舍内以图有所得 call forth 4 . 唤起;振奋 call in 5 . 回收:使退出流通 call off 6 . 取消:取消或延期 call out 7 . 召集:使集中;召唤 call up 8 . 征召:召集服兵役 call upon 9 . 命令;要求 at call 10 . 同 on call (义项2) call attention to 11 . 引起人们注意 call someone's bluff1. he is seeking to call attention to himself by his crimes.他想用犯罪的方法来使自己受到关注。call collect 12 . (北美)打由受话人付款的电话 call something into play 13 . 使(或要求)…开始运作,启用 call something into (或 in) question 14 . 怀疑 call it a day1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call someone names1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call of nature1. these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call the shots (或 tune) 15 . 指挥,操纵,做决定 call someone to accountcall someone/thing to mind 16 . (尤指通过类似性)使想起 call someone/thing to order 17 . 要求…安静 don't call us, we'll call you 18 . (非正式)请勿来电,我们会通知你(用来拒绝面试或求职失败者) good call (或 bad call) 19 . (非正式)[用于表示对决定或建议的赞成或批评]中,行(或不中、不行) to call one's own 20 . 称…为自己所有 call something forth 21 . 引起反应 call someone/thing down 22 . 使…出现,引发 call someone in 23 . 谋求帮助(或服务) call something in 24 . 要求付清贷款(或所允诺的钱) call someone/thing off 25 . 命令(人,狗)停止攻击 call something off 26 . 取消 call on 27 . 拜访 call someone out 28 . (尤指为处理紧急事件或做修理而)召唤某人 call something over 29 . (旧)点名 call someone up 30 . (非正式)给…打电话 call something up 31 . 征用 习惯用语 call a spade a spade 1 . 直言:直截地、精确地且直率地说 call in question 或 call into question 2 . 质疑:对…提出疑问 call it a day【非正式用语】 3 . 到此为止:对这一天的剩余时间或至少是现在,停止正在做的一切事情 call it quits【非正式用语】 4 . 退出:停止工作或尝试;退出 call names 5 . 骂人:用冒犯性的词语对他人说话或谈论他人 call (someone's) bluff 6 . 接受挑战:接受他人挑战以示力量与自信 call the shots 或 call the tune 【非正式用语】 7 . 掌管:行使权力;负责,掌管 on call 8 . 随叫随到:需要服务或使用时一叫即到 within call 9 . 随时可回身边待命:挨得很近,可以一叫就到

  • vt.1.叫喊,呼叫释义下的同义词
  • cry yell shout
2.呼唤;打电话释义下的同义词 telephone ask invite command speak


1 . Listen here, young lady. Don't you call me that!


2 . Melanie promised that she would call them in the morning.


3 . They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group.


4 . President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans.
