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英[kʌt] 美[kʌt]
  • vt.& vi.将(某物)切开(或分割)
  • vt.削减;剪切;切成;删剪
  • vi.电影;(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌;可被切割;可用于切割
  • n.切口;削减;剪裁;切片
  • 网络解释.切;割;削减;剪
    过去式:cut   过去式:cut   过去式:cutting   过去式:cuts  
  • be cut out for (或 to be) 1 . (非正式)正适合,是…的料 a cut above 2 . (非正式)高人一等 cut and dried 3 . (情况)敲定的,决定好的 cut and run 4 . (非正式)开溜,急忙离去 cut and thrust 5 . 针锋相对 cut both ways 6 . (陈述)对双方都适用 cut the corner 7 . 抄近路 cut the crap 8 . (粗俚)废话少说 cut a dash 9 . (衣着或行为上)出风头;引人注目 cut someone dead 10 . 无视某人存在,不屑一顾 cut a deal 11 . (非正式,主北美)(尤指商业上)达成协议,做生意 cut someone down to size 12 . (非正式)戳破(某人)自吹自擂,让(某人)识趣 cut something down to size 13 . 精简;削减(某物,如某组织)的势力 cut a — figure 14 . 以…形象出现 cut someone free 15 . 使…摆脱 cut from the same cloth 16 . 一样的,同类的 cut in line 17 . (美)插队 cut it finecut it out 18 . (非正式)打住,住嘴 cut someone/thing loose 19 . 使摆脱,解放,松开 cut one's losses 20 . (在遭受重大损失或伤害前)中断无望的事业(或计划) cut the mustard 21 . (非正式)够格,符合标准 cut someone off (或 down) in their prime 22 . 使(某人)在能力最强时卒逝(或突然中断事业) cut someone/thing short 23 . 插嘴,打断 cut someone to pieces 24 . 杀死,严重伤害 cut a (或 the) rug 25 . (非正式,主北美)(尤指充满活力或娴熟地)跳舞 cut one's teeth 26 . 初获经验,初试牛刀 cut a tooth 27 . (婴儿)长牙 cut to the chase 28 . (北美,非正式)进入正题 cut up rough 29 . (英,非正式)大怒,发火,失态 cut up well 30 . (英,古)遗留大笔钱财 cut your coat according to your cloth 31 . (谚)量体裁衣,量入为出 have one's work cut outmake the cut 32 . (高尔夫)(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛资格 miss the cut 33 . (高尔夫)(四场制赛)未取得进入后两场比赛资格 cut someone in 34 . (非正式)让…入伙(分利润) cut into 35 . 打断 cut someone off 36 . 打断(某人讲话) cut someone out 37 . 排除(某人) cut up 38 . (北美,非正式)淘气,无礼打闹 cut someone up 39 . (非正式)(司机)超车后从近处抢道 cut back 40 . 修剪:通过切割来缩短;修剪 cut down 41 . 杀死,击倒 cut in 42 . 插入:未按正常顺序地进入一排人或事物 cut off 43 . 分离,隔离:从其它物体中分离出来;使隔绝 cut out 44 . 切去,删去:用或似乎用切割来去除 cut up 【非正式用语】 45 . 卖弄,炫耀:以开玩笑的、滑稽的或喧闹的方式行动;扮小丑 习惯用语 cut a fat hog【得克萨斯州】 1 . 吃不消:承担自己能力所及之外的责任 cut corners 2 . 以最经济方式行事:以最简便或最廉价的方式做某事 cut down to size 3 . 使…有自知之明 cut loose 4 . 口无遮拦:毫无限制地说或做 cut no ice 5 . 不起作用,没有影响 cut (one's) losses 6 . 走出失败:从失败的状况中退出 cut (one's) teeth on 7 . 初学乍练:作为初学者或在某人职业的开端学着做 cut short 8 . 缩短:在结束之前终止;缩短

  • vt.1.切;割;削;砍释义下的同义词
  • chisel carve sever peel clip slit chop prune engrave chip slash saw split slice
2.削减;缩短释义下的同义词 abbreviate condense contract shorten abridge curtail compress reduce


1 . Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards.


2 . When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.


3 . Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares.


4 . He doesn't feel he is cut out to be a leader.
