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英[aɪ] 美[aɪ]
  • n.眼睛;视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼
  • vt.定睛地看;注视;审视;细看
  • 网络解释.眼;眼部;登高者;只眼睛
    复数:eyes   复数:eyed   复数:eyed   复数:eyeing   复数:eying   复数:eyes  
    派生词: eyed   eyeless  
  • be all eyes 1 . 急切专注地看 before (或 in front of, under) one's (very) eyes 2 . 就在某人眼前;当某人的面(表强调,尤用于令人吃惊或不快的事) clap (或 lay, set) eyes on 3 . (非正式)看见,看到 close (或 shut) one's eyes to 4 . 对于(不受欢迎或令人不快之事)视若无睹,故意忽略;不承认,不理会 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 5 . 以眼还眼,以牙还牙;以其人之道还治其人之身 the eye of the storm 6 . 风眼 the eye of the wind 7 . 风向 eyes front (或 left 或 right) 8 . (军队口令)向前(或左,右)看 eyes out on stalks 9 . 极度好奇 a —'s-eye view 10 . 从…处看到的景象;… 的立场(或观点)。 参见 bird's-eye view, worm's-eye view get (或 keep) one's eye in 11 . (英)对(从事的任务或工作)目测准确;眼光准确 give someone the eye 12 . (非正式)(向某人)抛媚眼,送秋波,眉目传情 half an eye 13 . 稍加留意(或关注) have an eye for 14 . 对…独具慧眼;能辨别;能判断 have (或 keep) one's eye on 15 . 监视,看管;密切注意 have (或 with) an eye to 16 . 以…为目标;目标是 have (或 with) an eye to (或 for, on) the main chanc 17 . 一心营私(尤指赚钱) have eyes bigger than one's stomach 18 . 眼贪胃纳;眼馋肚饱;贪多嚼不烂 (only) have eyes for 19 . (专)爱;(只)对…感兴趣 have eyes in the back of one's head 20 . 脑后长眼;能觉察到未见之事 hit someone in the eye (或 between the eyes) 21 . (非正式)引人注目;出众 keep an eye (或 a sharp eye) on 22 . 看管,监视;密切注意 keep an eye out (或 open) 23 . 仔细寻找;留心;物色 keep one's eyes open (或 peeled, 英skinned) 24 . 提防,警觉;仔细找 make eyes at someone 25 . 向某人抛媚眼(或眉目传情) my eye (或 all my eye and Betty Martin) 26 . (非正式,旧)[尤用于英语口语,表惊异或不信]天哪;哎呀;瞎说,胡说 one in the eye for 27 . (尤指活该的)挫折,失败 open someone's eyes 28 . 使(某人)看清(或认识到、发现) see eye to eye 29 . 看法(或态度)相似;一致 a twinkle (或 gleam) in someone's eye 30 . 尚未实施的想法(或设想) up to the (或 one's) eyes (in) 31 . (非正式)极度繁忙 what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve 32 . (谚)眼不见,心不烦 with one's eyes open 33 . 明知困难(或后果)如何;心中有数 with one's eyes shut (或 closed) 34 . 轻而易举地;不费力地 with one eye on 35 . 对…稍加注意 习惯用语 all eyes 1 . 全神贯注的 an eye for an eye 2 . 以眼还眼:一种惩罚,用受害人所遭受的来惩罚犯罪人 clap (one's) eyes on 或 lay (one's) eyes on 或 set (one's) eyes on 3 . 看见,注视 eye to eye 4 . 见解一致 have eyes for 5 . 对…感兴趣 have (one's) eye on 6 . 注视,密切注意:注视,尤指专注的或不间断的 in a pig's eye【俚语】 7 . 永不,绝不 in the eye of the wind【航海】 8 . 逆风:在风向的反方向;逆风 in the public eye 9 . 常在公共场合露面的:常在公共场合或新闻媒介露面的 my eye【俚语】 10 . 决不;一点也不。用于表感叹 with an eye to 11 . 着眼于 with (one's) eyes closed 12 . 未察觉危险:不知道所陷入的危险 with (one's) eyes open 13 . 警惕地:意识到所陷入的危险

  • vt.1.看;注视释义下的同义词
  • stare watch glance view observe inspect regard look


1 . He has a visual impairment in the right eye .


2 . The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye .


3 . Bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome.


4 . To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.
